EFX Reel Breakdown


shot #  |  character  |   role
  1. David Tone matte-Key CU and In-between entire scene
  2. David Fire, Batons, Tone mattes-Breakdown/In-between
  3. David Tone matte-Key CU and In-between entire scene
  4. David Fire, Batons, Tone mattes-Breakdown/In-between
  5. Stitch Plasma, Tone mattes-Breakdown/In-between
  6. N/A Explosion, Flash matte, debris-Key Flash mattes, In-between explosion/debris
  7. Stitch Surfboard, water-Animated surfboard, In-between water
  8. Nani, Stitch Surfboard, water-In-between water
  9. Nani, Stitch Surfboard,water, shadow/reflection-In-between water, Breakdown shadow, Key reflection
  10. Lilo, Stitch Volley ball, shadows, shell-Key CU and In-between entire scene
  11. Lilo,Stitch, David Surfboard, shadows, water-Breakdown/In-between-Pleakley, Lilo- Debris, Explosion, shadows, dust-Breakdown/In-between
  12. N/A Large house explosion-In-between
  13. Stitch Chainsaw, car, smoke-Breakdown smoke
  14. David, Lilo Surfboard, reflection, water-Key CU reflection, brkdwn water
  15. N/A Lava, blasts, debris-Breakdown/In-between scene -Stitch-Shadow, squirt gun, water, sand-Breakdown/In-between scene
  16. Spaceship, Stitch Jet blast, sparks, smoke-Breakdown/In-between scene

Brother Bear

shot #  |  character  |   role
  1. Kenai bear- Fish, shadow, water, splash-Breakdown/In-between, Key shadow -Brothers-Fish, shadow, water, splash, reflection, dust, net-Breakdown/In-between, Key reflections
  2. Denahi, Sitka Water drips-Key CU water drips
  3. Kenai bear Water drips, highlights-Key CU water drips, highlights
  4. Koda Breath vapor-Key CU/Animated breath
  5. Kenai Liquid light, tones, light ray mattes-Breakdown/In-between, Animated light ray mattes
  6. Kenai- Transformation mattes, tones-Key CU mattes
  7. Kenai bear- Water, waves, highlights-Key CU scene
  8. Kenai bear- Bubbles, tone, light rays, highlights-Key CU scene
  9. Sitka, Bear- Breath vapor-Animated breath, CU scene
  10.  Kenai bear- Water splash, ripples, reflection-Animated reflection, Brkdwn water, ripples
  11. Bears- Water splashes, waterfall-Breakdown/In-between
  12. 3 Brothers- Kayaks, splash, snow kickup-Key CU snow, Breakdown/In-between